Tyler Cohen (She/They) is a cartoonist, graphic designer, and educator.
Their most recent work, Feather, is "[a] lyrical and poetic exercise in wordless storytelling," published by Fieldmouse Press. Tyler's comics can be found in their book, Primahood: Magenta (winner of the 2017 Bisexual Book Award for Graphic Memoir); at MuthaMagazine.com; PEN Illustrated; and in numerous anthologies, including the Eisner Award-winning Drawing Power and Ignatz Award-winning Qu33r.
Statement: My art style ranges from sketchy to finely detailed compositions that play with memoir and surrealism. I love to make use of the comics medium's capacity to simultaneously express a multiplicity of voices, thoughts, and visual communications. Art is a means of engaging in conversations and contemplations. With this in mind, I like to take readers on a journey, to raise questions, and to stimulate thoughts and feelings. I'm not here to provide answers. As with all dialogue, the take-away is collaborative.
Cara: @tylercohen Instagram: @tylerzonia Mastodon: @tylerzonia@zirk.us and @tylerzonia@comicscamp.club
photo credit: Nathalie Muzac-Braden